Present: J. Kilgo, J. Bailey, C. Poole, M. Moyer, G. Moyer, T. Hardin, D. Cason, K. Tegen, D. Bradley, B. Harrison, JoAnn Maxey, C. Guffey, S. Rzonca, C. Francis, S. Webber, D. Barrick, J. Chapman, Chelsea Rush
Not Present: B. Teague, B. Yelton, K. Powell, S. Weeks
Others Present: E. Ostertag
Litter Pick-up committee update was given by Dana Bradley
Next p/u of year to be held in October 10-13.
Next meeting on July 10th at the Spindale House.
C. Guffey reported that 1,215 bags at 9.11 tons was collected.
Marketing Committee update was given by Jenna Bailey
Tax letter insert going out includes info on the River sweep, fall sweep, and Trash Bowl Info.
Mini stories about the litter pick up are supposed to go in the paper every 2-3 weeks.
Website to be created soon.
Administrative Committee meeting update was presented by Don Cason
Budget for 2019-2020 been approved.
New Executive Committee has been formed. Members are Jenna Bailey and Dana Bradley.
County wide litter policies are to be developed between the towns.
Discussion on the potential cost of 5,000/yr to keep up a 501C3. Possibly grants could fund it yearly. It was recommended to possibly find an existing 501 (possibly ROC) to have manage the account for us.
There will be a mini meeting with the Exec. Committee and Town Mgrs. to discuss a 501 formation.
Sheriff discussed his approval of the litter cam.
Cost of cameras: 2,000/camera. The discussion was that 6 would be ideal.
K. Tegen gave an update on the Adopt/Sponsor-A-Highway letters were sent out-over 225.
Action Items:
Sheriff Francis will be setting a meeting with Don, the County DA and County Commissioners.
Next meeting: August 15th at 2:00 pm at the Woodrow Jones Bldg.
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